Year 2
Welcome to the Year 2 page!
Welcome to Year 2!
On this page, you will be able to find out about all of the children's learning and gain an insight into what we are doing in class.
The Year 2 teachers are:
Mrs Williams - Class 5
Miss Beardsley - Class 6 (Phase Lead for Year 1 and 2)
Mrs Cooper and Miss Oakey also support the children's learning every day.
Message from the Year 2 teachers:
We are so proud of how the children have settled into the new term. They have shown a lot of resilience and determination already and we can't wait to see what they can achieve this year! If you have any questions or concerns our door is always open.
Important Information:
In Year 2, we recognise how important PE is as part of the curriculum.
Our PE lessons are as follows:
Indoor PE - Wednesday
Outdoor PE - Monday
The children will need their PE kits in school for their outdoor PE lesson. This should consist of:
- blue, black or grey shorts/ bottoms
- a white or house coloured t-shirt
- pumps or trainers which the children can fasten themselves.
Each week, your child will receive a spelling homework. These spellings will cover the Year 1 and 2 common exception words and spelling patterns that they have been learning in school each week. The children will also have a reasoning question and arithmetic questions and a sentence to practise their editing skills.
The children also have access to Numbots
This website allows your child to practice and apply their understanding of number. It supports them with their maths learning in school. We recommend that your child uses their login at least three times a week.
Reading at home:
In Key stage 1, we value the importance of reading. We know that learning to read is a priceless, life-long skill that will unlock the whole curriculum for your child. Reading is important in all year groups but particularly in Year 2 as your children will be tested not only on their fluency but also their comprehension.
It is important that your child reads regularly at home to help them consolidate their sounds that they have been learning in school, develop their fluency and support their comprehension. It is really important that all children have their reading records and reading books in school each day. Within their reading record, it is really important that you record every time they read at home as this provides important communication between home and school. When your child reads at school, you will receive feedback in the reading record too.
What are we learning in the Autumn Term?
Helpful videos to support learning at home: