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The Parent Advisory Group
As a school in a Multi-Academy Trust, the Springbank does not have a Local Governing Body like a Local Authority school would. Instead, we have The GLA Trust Board of Trustees and a Parent Advisory Group (PAG).
We already have some core members of this group who will continue into this academic year but if you’d like to join, please speak to Mrs Riddell or Mrs Whittington.
- What does it involve?
Being on the PAG is about being the voice of the parents in the school. Together with the head teachers, the group agree an agenda to discuss at three meetings a year in November, February and June (6-8pm). Over recent years, parent voice has informed us on issues with parking and road safety around school, suggested community events and how to improve communication.
GLA Parent Advisory Group Terms of Reference
The PAG are a group that meets three times a year to provide a formal interface between the parent/ community body and the Education Trust. The School/Trust may wish to consult or share ideas, information and proposals or ask for feedback on different aspects of school/Trust life from the parent/community perspective.
The Parents will have this opportunity to raise their own ideas, concerns or proposals. They may wish to ask for information or clarity on school or Trust policy or systems.
The PAG will be chaired by the Headteacher and formally minuted by a clerk. These minutes will be sent to the Trustees. The Head will produce the agenda following consultation with the parent representatives. This agenda should be shared at least 1 week before the meeting.
- The Group will consist of 3 elected Parent Representatives and 3 or 4 co-opted parents.
- Elected parents will have a two year term of office and co-opted parents will serve for a year.
- Once a parent’s children leave the school their term of office would finish.
- There should be a Trust representative present for each meeting.
- The Trust reserves the right to remove or add people to this group whatever their status.