Related Pages
- Our EPIC vision
- Our Staff
- Cooper the School Dog
- Pastoral Support
- The GLA Trust
- The Parent Advisory Group
- The Academy Improvement Board
- The Multi-Academy Trust Board
- Statutory Information
- Safeguarding
- Annual Performance Data
- Policies
- Pupil Premium
- Sports Premium
- Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
- Catch Up Premium
- School Development Plan
- Recruitment
- Lettings
- Equality for all
Statutory Information
Please use the sub-menu to navigate to the statutory documents for our school.
Springbank Primary Academy
Springbank Road
GL51 0PH
Telephone: 01242 527766
Head Teacher: Mrs Shona Riddell
Deputy Head Teacher: Mrs Sophie Whittington
SENDCo : Mrs Emma Wale
All members of staff can be contacted at the above email address.
Our school office will be happy to help with any queries.