Springbank Primary Academy

Springbank Primary Acedemy
Life at Springbank Primary Academy Life at Springbank Primary Academy Life at Springbank Primary Academy Life at Springbank Primary Academy Life at Springbank Primary Academy Life at Springbank Primary Academy Life at Springbank Primary Academy Life at Springbank Primary Academy Life at Springbank Primary Academy Life at Springbank Primary Academy Life at Springbank Primary Academy Life at Springbank Primary Academy Life at Springbank Primary Academy Life at Springbank Primary Academy


We follow the National Curriculum for Computing in England

Computing and ICT are curriculum areas which have come such a long way over the last decade.  Computer literacy is such an important present-day skill and at Springbank we are delighted to offer a curriculum which ensures all children are given the opportunities to be computer literate by the time they transition to Secondary School.  Whilst computing itself isn't a specific focus of the Early Years Framework, technology and problem solving are fundamental elements.  From these earliest beginnings,  Springbank pupils go on to enjoy lessons on programming, coding, creating media, understanding networks & the internet and much, much more throughout their KS1 and KS2 journeys.

Discover more about our Computing Curriculum at Springbank below.


The computing curriculum at Springbank is designed to progressively develop children's skills in Computing. We aim to develop children’s computational thinking skills, their knowledge of computer science concepts and their application of digital literacy skills.

We teach a curriculum that enables children to become practical and effective users of technology. Children frequently revisit core skills in a range of contexts and allowing them to continually practice and improve upon the skills they learn. Our children use technology to create digital content and to communicate their ideas in a wide range of contexts. They analyse problems and have practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve those problems. They are able to use a variety of computer software and coding programmes as well as developing computational skills such as logic, algorithms and data representation. The school provides pupils with access to a wide range of devices, including laptops, iPads and Bee-Bots and Pro Bots

With technology playing such a significant role in society today, it is vital that we teach children to become safe and effective digital citizens. At Springbank we are committed to teaching children how to use technology safely and with respect for others in order to prepare them to become confident, independent users of technology.



Computing in the Early Years

Whilst 'Technology' has been removed as a specific strand from the 'Understanding the World' element of the Early Years Framework from 2021-22, it is still an important area of learning for children at Springbank.  Learning around technology is woven into Continuous Provision and is centered around play-based activities which develop each child's listening skills, curiosity, creativity and problem solving.  For example, we will provide children with the opportunity to take photos, search on the internet, play games with the interactive whiteboard, listen to music and watch video clips.  Allowing children the opportunity to explore technology in this child-led way, means that not only will they develop a familiarity with equipment and vocabulary but they will have a strong start in Key Stage 1 Computing and all that it demands.

Computing in Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2)

Prior to learning anything else in our Computing curriculum, we ensure a solid grounding for all children in Year 1 in the importance of staying safe online.  This is tackled in an age-appropriate way.  We have mapped out a careful progression of learning across Key Stage 1 so that children are given the opportunity to learn something new and then revisit it to reinforce that learning. Practically, there are lots of opportunities for the children to get hands-on with the ICT equipment - ranging from Creating Media units on digital painting (Y1) and making music (Y2) to Programming units looking at moving robots (Y1) and robot algorithms (Y2).  Children at the end of Key Stage 1 confidently move into the next chapter of their education with a strong and practical understanding of the National Curriculum for computing.


An important thread of ESafety runs through all learning linked with technology and being online.  Children at Springbank use the Internet on a regular basis as part of their learning. Technology enhances learning, and we at Springbank want to ensure pupils get the most from it, by encouraging behaviour online which falls in sync with our value of responsibility. 

In school, we use a filtering system to prevent children accessing inappropriate sites. We also have regular E-Safety assemblies and lesson-starters to remind children of the importance of keeping themselves safe online.  The Super CAT (Check Ask Tell) approach used across all GLA schools is well embedded at Springbank, where children are taught what actions they can take to keep themselves safe online.

We have a further page on our website dedicated to E-Safety available here.